streNgthening pUblic TranSport to enHance accEssibility in ruraL centraL Europe
Transport policy in rural areas is still too often focused on cars. To reduce land use for streets and offer more sustainable mobility options, the NUTSHELL@CE project will transform transport planning in these areas. Partners from eight countries work towards a public transport system that is based on integrated spatial and transport planning. This new approach will increase flexibility, offer better access to transport corridors, harmonise timetables, and improve transport links in rural areas.
The overall objective of the NUTSHELL@CE project is to undertake a strategic and integrated transformation of spatial and transport planning in rural and peripheral regions of Central Europe to (re)place public transport at the core of regional transport systems, integrated with other sustainable means (e.g. cycling, demand-responsive transport) and to ensure better connectivity with TENT-T and urban nodes.
The main project outcomes are georeferenced datasets (and related capacity building), one transnational package of seven action plans, joint pilot actions, and the establishment of a transnational competence centre/knowledge hub. The transnational cooperation will enable co-vision creation through a creative process, peer-review, and experience exchange.
Total: 2.249.112,43 EUR
BID: 192.020 EUR
- Project duration: 01. 05. 2024 – 30. 04. 2027
Lead Partner:
Union of Municipalities of the Savio Valley River
Giovanni Fini
Email: Phone: +39 320 9239016
Piazza del Popolo 10, 47521, Cesena, Italy
This project is supported by the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme project co-funded by the European Union.