Discounted Fare

A 50 % price reduction from the basic fare is provided to passengers, who meet at least one of the following criteria.

Children and Underage Youth

Children from 6 (six) years of age until the day preceding the 16th (sixteenth) birthday.

Underage youth from 16 years of age until the day preceding the 18th (eighteenth) birthday.

Document needed to prove the right for the discounted fare for children and underage youth:

▪ a valid identity document with a photograph

Pupils and Students

Pupils of primary and secondary (high) schools established according to the Act No. 245/2008 Coll. about education (“o výchove a vzdelávaní”).

University students studying at universities established according to the Act No. 131/2002 Coll. about universities (“o vysokých školách”) taking full-time courses until the day preceding the 26th (twenty-sixth) birthday.

Pupils and students studying outside the Slovak Republic, whose studies are considered equivalent to the studies on schools established in the Slovak Republic until the day preceding the 26th (twenty-sixth) birthday.

Documents required to prove the right for the discounted fare for pupils and students studying in the Slovak Republic:

▪ a valid international students card ISIC, or

▪ a written confirmation about school attendance valid for the relevant school year and not older than 30 (thirty) days

Documents required to prove the right for the discounted fare for pupils and students studying abroad:

▪ a valid international students card ISIC, or

▪ an officially translated confirmation about school attendance and a statement of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic about the equivalency od the studies with studies in the Slovak Republic; the statement does not have to be presented by students attending schools listed in the List of accepted universities


Pensioners from 60 (sixty) years of age, who are the recipients of old-age, retirement and disability pension.

Documents required to prove the right for the discounted fare for pensioners:

▪ a confirmation about receiving old-age, retirements and disability pension issued by the Social insurance company from the relevant social security unit; confirmation (card) issued by Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic


Seniors from 63 (sixty-three) years of age (applies also to seniors older than 70 (seventy) years of age, if they don´t use a special type of fare in the form of SeniorPas IDS BK).

Document required to prove the right for the discounted fare for seniors above 62:

▪ a valid identity card with a photograph

Seniors Above 70 Years (SeniorPas)

Seniors from 70 (seventy) years of age.

Document required to prove the right for the discounted fare for seniors above 70:

▪ a valid identity card with a photograph

Severely Disabled (ŤZP)

Citizens with a severe health impairment.

Documents required to prove the right for the discounted fare for severely disabled:

▪ a ŤZP or ŤZP-S card issued by the relevant Office for Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic, or

▪ an original official statement about the right for a ŤZP/ŤZP-S card issued by the Office for Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic, or

▪ a valid identity card with the information about severe disability, or the dependence on a guide