Bonus discounts are subsidies provided by the authorities securing public transport services to selected groups of citizens if they meet the specified requirements. The subsidy is provided directly to the person by the seller when selling a ticket.
Bonus Discount for Persons with a Severe Health Impairment and a Permanent Residence in the Bratislava Region
Natural persons with a severe health impairment with a permanent residence in the Bratislava region have a right for a 100 % bonus discount when buying a prepaid travel ticket for the zones 100 + 101. A 50 % discount is valid for the rest of the zones.
Documents required to prove the right for the bonus discount:
▪ identity card with an obviously stated address of permanent residence and
▪ a ŤZP or ŤZP-S card issued by the relevant Office for Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic, or
▪ an original official statement about the right for a ŤZP/ŤZP-S card issued by the Office for Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic, or
▪ a valid identity card with the information about the severe disability, or the dependence on a guide
Bonus Discount for Children, Pupils and Students with a Severe Health Impairment Attending Special Schools in the Bratislava Region, Who Don´t Have a Permanent Residence in the Bratislava Region
Children, pupils and students with a severe health impairment, who don´t have a permanent residence in the Bratislava region, must prove their right for a bonus discount with the above listed documents, and except those, they must also provide a confirmation about attending a school, which is based in the Bratislava region and is included in the official network of schools as a special school.
Bonus Discount for Golden Blood Donors
A 100 % bonus discount of the price of the prepaid travel ticket for the zones 100 +101 is provided to the holders of the “Zlatá Janského plaketa” (Golden Janského plaquette) with a permanent residence in city Bratislava. The 100 % discount applies only to the price for the zones 100 +101. When buying a prepaid travel ticket for the combination of zones 100 + 101 with other (regional) zones, the price for the regional zones will not be discounted.
Documents required to prove the right for the bonus discount:
▪ identity card with an obviously stated address of permanent residence and
▪ confirmation issued by the Slovak Red Cross on being awarded by the “Zlatá Janského plaketa”
Bonus Discount for Diamond Blood Donors
A 100 % bonus discount of the price of the prepaid travel ticket for the zones 100 +101 is provided to the holders of the “Diamantová Janského plaketa” (Diamond Janského Plaquette) with a permanent residence in the Bratislava region. The 100 % discount applies only to the price for the zones 100 +101. When buying a prepaid travel ticket for the combination of zones 100 + 101 with other (regional) zones, the price for the regional zones will not be discounted.
Documents required to prove the right for the bonus discount:
▪ identity card with an obviously stated address of permanent residence and
▪ confirmation issued by the Slovak Red Cross on being awarded by the “Diamond Janského plaketa”
Bonus Discounts for the Anti-Communist Resistance Participants and Political Prisoners
A 100 % bonus discount is provided to the participants of the anti-communist resistance and to political prisoners with a permanent residence in the Bratislava region when buying a prepaid travel ticket for the zones 100 +101. The 100 % discount applies only to the price for the zones 100 +101. When buying a prepaid travel ticket for the combination of zones 100 + 101 with other (regional) zones, the price for the regional zones will not be discounted.
Documents required to prove the right for the bonus discount:
▪ identity card with an obviously stated address of permanent residence and
▪ document (card) confirming the participation on the anti-communist resistance issued by the “Ústav pamäti národa” (The Nation´s Memory Institute), or by the “Zväz protikomunistikcého odboja” (Anti-Communist Resistance Association), or by the “Konfederácia politických väzňov Slovenska” (Confederation of Political Prisoners of Slovakia), or by the “Svetové združenie bývalých politických väzňov” (World Association of Former Political Prisoners)
Bonus Discount for Family Members of an Anti-Communist Resistance Participant or a Political Prisoner
A 100 % bonus discount is provided also to family members (husband, wife, brother, sister, children) born before 17th November 1989 if they also have a permanent residence in the Bratislava region when buying a prepaid travel ticket for the zones 100 + 101. The 100 % discount applies only to the price for the zones 100 +101. When buying a prepaid travel ticket for the combination of zones 100 + 101 with other (regional) zones, the price for the regional zones will not be discounted.
Documents required to prove the right for the bonus discount:
▪ identity card with an obviously stated address of permanent residence and
▪ document (card) confirming the participation on the anti-communist resistance issued by the “Ústav pamäti národa” (The Nation´s Memory Institute), or by the “Zväz protikomunistikcého odboja” (Anti-Communist Resistance Association), or by the “Konfederácia politických väzňov Slovenska” (Confederation of Political Prisoners of Slovakia), or by the “Svetové združenie bývalých politických väzňov” (World Association of Former Political Prisoners)
In case the confirmation includes only the name of the resistance participant, the family member must prove his/her family relation (birth certificate, marriage certificate etc.).
Bonus Discount for Anti-Fascist Resistance Participants
A 100 % bonus discount is provided to the participants of the national fight for liberation with a permanent residence in the Bratislava region when buying a prepaid travel ticket for the zones 100 + 101.
The discount is provided also to their family members (husband, wife, brother, sister, children), if they have a permanent residence in the Bratislava region too.
Documents required to prove the right for the bonus discount:
▪ identity card with an obviously stated address of permanent residence and
▪ confirmation issued in accordance with the Act No. 255/1946 Coll. about Czechoslovak army members and about some other participants of the national fight for liberation
In case the confirmation includes only the name of the resistance participant, the family member must prove his/her family relation (birth certificate, marriage certificate etc.).